Tag: Estate Planning

estate planning tips

Best Estate & Asset Planning Tips – Secure the Future Today!

Whether your estate is worth $10,000 or 1 million dollars, you’ll want to have an estate plan in place to make sure your assets go to the right people.   If you die unexpectedly without a will, much of your estate will get eaten up in taxes and lawyer fees to settle the estate and the money may not end up where you intend it to.   Keep reading for five easy estate planning tips to make sure your affairs are in order should anything happen. 5 Estate Planning Tips You Should Take Now Did you know that more than half of all Americans don’t have a will? As unpleasant as it may be to think about planning for your death, it’s necessary to protect your assets and your family.   Take steps now to make sure your family doesn’t have to stress about dealing with your assets upon your death.   Here are some estate planning tips to make the process easy and painless.  1. Determine What Assets You Have: Before writing your will, going to an attorney, or planning your estate, you need to know what you have. Take an inventory of all your assets and liabilities to determine your value.   Property, retirement accounts, bank accounts, investments, and life insurance policies.   You’ll need to list all your assets to determine who gets what and how much they get. Some assets, such as a business, will require special consideration in your will or estate plan.   2. Decide Who Gets What and How It's Distributed: Now that you know what you have, you’ll need to decide who (or what) your beneficiaries will be.   Spouses, children, other family members, charitable organizations, etc., who get any part of your estate will be designated.   Not only do you need to decide who gets your assets, but you will also need to specify how much or what percentage they get.   If you have life insurance through your employer or another policy or other retirement accounts with designated beneficiaries, make sure you keep those updated.   If you get married, divorced, or have more children, you may want to modify the stated beneficiaries on those policies.   3. Take Steps to Minimize Estate Taxes: If there might be significant taxes that your beneficiaries will owe, you can take steps to minimize these taxes ahead of time.   You could leave taxable assets to charities or other non-profit organizations, take out life insurance policies to cover any estate taxes, or gift money to your beneficiaries before your death. 4. Choose Who Will Run the Estate: You’ll need to choose an executor of your will. This could be a family member or an attorney, depending on the complexity of your estate. Choose someone whom you trust.   You also will want to select someone to have the power of attorney if you become incapacitated.   A health care directive is also smart to have, as this will allow your beneficiary to not make major medical decisions on your behalf should you be unable to. 5. Consider Hiring an Estate Planning Expert: Consider hiring a probate attorney to handle all of this for you. They will walk you through the process, advise you on the best course of action, and then handle any issues with the estate after your passing.   How to Asset Plan for your Business  Sometimes an estate is not all what we earn, and if you are someone with a standing business, keeping it standing once you are long gone is also important.  So, how can you plan for the business well?  Understand the Value of your Business  First, you’ve got to know what your business is worth. And we’re not just talking about how much cash is in your bank account or the equipment you own. It’s everything that makes your business a whole.   What are your total assets?   Do you have intellectual property?   A ton of loyal clients?   These things are all part of the parcel. By knowing this, you’ll be able to make better decisions about where it goes after you.  Decide a Successor  Who will take over when you're no longer at the helm?   It’s a tough question, but one that needs answering.   A succession plan outlines who will step in to manage your business.   Whether it’s a family member, a trusted employee, or an outside party, having a clear plan ensures a smooth transition.   Start by identifying potential successors and involve them in the business early on. Train them so they understand your vision and can carry it forward.  Set Up a Buy-Sell Agreement  If you have business partners, a buy-sell agreement is essential.   This agreement specifies what happens if one of the partners leaves the business, whether due to retirement, disability, or death.   It ensures that the remaining partners can buy out the departing partner’s share without disrupting the business.   It also sets a fair price for the shares, so there’s no confusion or disputes later.  Consider Life Insurance  Life insurance can be key in business asset planning. Life insurance proceeds can provide the cash needed to buy your interest in a business if you pass away.   Similarly, you can also use these life insurance proceeds to pay off any personal or business debts. Thus, preventing a liquidation of assets that could cost your beneficiaries their livelihood.   Finally, a well-structured life insurance policy will not have an immediate negative impact on your credit rating.   In fact, lenders may be more willing to extend credit to a solvent estate and business.  Reviews are Important  Review and update this plan at least annually as circumstances change over time.  Business planning isn’t a one-time thing. As your business grows and changes, you should update your plan to ensure it always reflects your current direction.    Perhaps you’ve introduced new assets, or your successor has changed. Updating also allows you to identify what’s next on the horizon!  Share Your Plan  Finally, communicate your plan to those who need to know. Your family. Business partners. Key employees.   Only when you put it in writing and communicate it clearly can everyone know what you intend. Finding every opportunity to get rid of misunderstandings is crucial.  The Bottom Line: Although no one wants to think about their death, making sure your assets are protected and that your beneficiaries are taken care of is a smart move to make. Use these estate planning tips to get yourself started. For more lifestyle tips and resources, explore some of our other blog posts. Read Also: The Best Strategies For Retirement Funds Distribution How Do Law Firms Help Companies With Their Real Estate Issues?

Estate Planning

10 Estate Planning Tips to Help You Prepare for the End

Death. It's not the easiest thing to talk about, but it's important. Especially when it comes to deciding what happens to your assets. After all, you spent all your life working hard to build your estate. On average, only 44% of Americans have their estate settled. Are you one of them? If not, don't fret. Read on to discover 10 estate planning tips, so that you're prepared for when the time comes. 1. Assess Your Estate: Before you begin legal processions, it is worth your while to take an inventory of your estate. Start by evaluating your possessions. Tangible objects, like heirlooms, are easy to make note of and won't be as complex to distribute to a beneficiary. But not every asset is tangible. Take care to note intangible possessions, such as investments, retirement contributions, or life insurance. Speaking of life insurance... 2. Get a Life Insurance Policy: A life insurance policy is a great investment to make, especially if you have a family. In the event of an untimely death, life insurance can replace income for whoever relies on you for financial support. And, investing in life insurance sooner can lower your cost. If you are looking for a way to add to your estate, life insurance is a safe bet. 3. Find the Right Lawyer to Give You Personalized Estate Planning Tips: In order to ensure your estate will be properly managed and distributed, you need a reputable estate planning attorney. An estate planning attorney will draft the documents needed in order to plan your estate, such as wills, and trusts. It's important to have an attorney on hand because they can provide counsel that you will not be able to find anywhere online. The attorneys at De Bruin Law Firm note how computer-generated forms and other DIY solutions won't cut it. Online forms may not be tailored to the local law in your area, and mistakes could actually cost you in the long run. An estate planning attorney will better understand the subtleties involved when it comes to the law and planning your estate. 4. Choose Your Beneficiaries: Certain types of assets aren't passed through wills, such as life insurance or retirements accounts. Instead, they're passed down by a beneficiary designation. Be sure to keep this information up-to-date, or the wrong person may receive the inheritance. 5. Determine Your Executor: An executor is someone who manages the plans for your estate. This could be anyone from a family member to an attorney. One factor to determine your choice of executor is the nature of your assets. For smaller estates, a family member could do. For more complex estates, consider an attorney or a corporate trustee. In any case, the executor should be someone you trust to carry out your wishes. According to leading legal experts at Faulkner Law, the executioner of the will plays a critical role in ensuring everything is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the individual. You need to choose an executioner that works in an affordable fee range. 6. Plan Your Taxes: There's a saying that goes like this: "There are only two certainties in life. Death, and taxes." In the case of estate taxes, they happen at the same time. To reduce estate tax liability, transfer assets gradually. This could mean breaking your assets into shares instead of one lump sum, then dispersing them in chunks yearly. By the end of the time frame you allotted for the disbursement, sole ownership will be granted to the designated beneficiary. 7. Write a Will: A will is a document that determines where your assets will be distributed only after you die. Wills must go through probate in order for the assets to be distributed to beneficiaries, which can be costly. They're also subject to public records. 8. Construct a Trust: A trust is similar to a will in that it is a document that denotes where assets are to be distributed. The difference, though, is that trusts are effective immediately, and can bypass the probate step. Trusts also allow you the ability to disburse assets slowly over time, instead of all at once. Trusts are more flexible than wills when it comes to estate planning, but that doesn't mean it's always the best choice. It's best to discuss your options with your attorney to determine how your assets are to be distributed. 9. Designate Your Power of Attorney: A power of attorney is someone that manages your affairs in your stead. This is helpful if you are unavailable for signing legal documents because it reduces disruptions in your own life. It's also beneficial to have a power of attorney because they can manage your estate if you are medically incapacitated. Because the power of attorney is someone that acts on your own behalf, you should choose someone that you trust. 10. Review Your Estate Plan: After your documents have been drafted, you might be satisfied with the way your estate will be handled. For now, that is. There are many unforeseen circumstances when it comes to life, let alone estate planning. It's important to keep your paperwork updated in the event of changes so that the correct people inherit what they're supposed to. Some things to look out for are our name changes, changes in power of attorney, or if any alternative guardians to minors should be designated. Check-in with your lawyer as instances occur to make the proper updates. Now What? Now that you're aware of a few estate planning tips, you can rest easy knowing that all of your hard work will fall into the right hands: the hands that you chose. If you're wanting to increase your estate in the long run, check out these tips that will change your finances for the better. Read Also: Getting Your Personal Finances In Order With A Proper Budget Strategy These Small Changes Will Change Your Finances For The Better A Beginners Guide To Investing: Getting Started In 8 Simple Steps